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For the pain, try this one

My daughter (40) has Sjogrens, Graves, RA. She advised that her Rheumy had put her on Low-Dose Natrexone with amazing results. She suggested strongly that I try it for my PsA. It worked for me too! It has cut the pain factor by at least 70%. However, it does nothing for the fatigue 🙁 The good news is that it is virtually side-effect free with no downside. The bad news is that since it is an off-label drug, you have to go to a compounding pharmacy to get it (easily available) and insurance usually wont pay for it. That said, it is around $30 to $50 per month. Well worth it for the pain relief!!

  1. Hey , thanks so much for sharing with us all! I have only heard good things about low-dose naltrexone (LDN), and from people with a variety of chronic pain/autoimmune conditions. So happy to hear that it's made a difference for both you and your daughter! Do you recall how soon you noticed an improvement in your pain levels with it? What a shame that it doesn't do anything for the fatigue 😢 It seems we all struggle with the fatigue and none of us can find much that truly helps.

    I thought you might enjoy the following article on how LDN works: We also have a forum discussion where a community member was looking to hear from others who have tried LDN: Did you (or your daughter) have much trouble finding a doctor who would prescribe the LDN off-label? We so appreciate you sharing here! Warmly, -Catherine, Community Moderator

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