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Low Dose Naltrexone

Hi there,

I'm wondering if anyone has tried Low Dose Naltrexone for their Psoriatic Arthritis? My doctor seems uninterested in helping me try it out. I've read some good things about it, but understand that evidence is limited.

I know that one can order it through a compounding pharmacy but I'd rather do it under the care of a doctor if possible. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
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  1. Hi . I have no experience with lose dose Naltrexone, but from what I have seen in this community, the reviews have been mixed. I hope this helps and that you get lots of responses. Best wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Thank you for sharing this, Lori!

      1. You're welcome, . I hope you find it helpful! - Lori (Team Member)

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