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Foot issues

Hi Everyone,
I have developed hammer toes over the years of having psoriatic arthritis. I am just wondering if anyone else is dealing with this or if anyone has found any tips on how to cushion the toes from rubbing on your shoes? I mostly wear running shoes with a soft flexible top for normal everyday wear but once in a while it’s nice to wear pretty shoes when going out for dinner (definitely not walking far in them). If anyone else deals with this I’d love to hear what helps for you.

  1. Hi that is a great question. If you would like you can go over to our Facebook page at and post your question there. If you don't feel comfortable with it one of our team members will be happy to post it for you. Vickie W., Team Member

    1. sure if someone could post it that would be great. Thank you.

    2. Hi , we recently posted your question to our Facebook. If you're interested, you can check out people's comments here: I hope you find something that helps. Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

  2. Sandy,
    Say goodbye to those cute shoes. I have always loved shoes but I’m 33 years into this disease and now only wear a specific athletic shoe. I have them in white, tan, and black, which are my formal pair. I held on to cute shoes for years but they are all gone now. Finding a shoe that works for you will depend on your needs. I have had all my metatarsal joints removed and several toe joints. I use a shoe that can hold an insert. Good luck with your search. May we all be well.

    1. Thanks for your reply. I do wear my specific athletic shoes every day, but every once in a while there is an occasion that requires more formal attire. I too am around 33 year mark with this disease. In my heart I know it should be done, but I’m just not ready to pack up my “fancy” shoes for those nicer occasions. 😢

  3. I hope you can continue to attend special occasions with your fancy shoes. I’m well beyond that.

    1. 85% of my pain is in my feet. They are almost always swollen. My rheumatologist says i’m developing hammer toes, i also have some toes that are spreading unusually. All i wear are Hoka sneakers and their recovery slides. I wear slippers with arch supports at home. I never get to wear even super short heels anymore. I cant even wear my favourite boots because of the pain and swelling.
      Ill be seeing a podiatrist this week to see if i can get some answers on how to alleviate some of this pain. How can i be expected to work, walk, move when my feet hurt so bad.
      Ive been on cosyntex for 2 years and just switched to tremfya (ive only had 1 injection). I also taken naproxen 2x a day and it just doesn’t feel like its helping. I do CBD epsom salt soaks and try to ice my feet at the end of the day. But it doesn't really matter. They always hurt. Its incredibly frustrating.

      1. I’m sorry to hear about your pain! I have recently started seeing a podiatrist also. She helps with the callus that I get on the bottom of my foot from the hammer toes and gave me some padding to try in my shoes. She also gave me these little silicone tubes to put on my bad toes for when I need to wear anything but sneakers. I tried them on the weekend and it made my pretty shoes tolerable. I didn’t walk very far but at least I didn’t have to wear sneakers with a formal outfit. 😏 I’ll take that as a win.
        I am also taking tremfya, I have taken 3 shots now. I had to take a short course of prednisone because I was having so much pain. It helped but there’s still a lot I can’t do. Hope you start feeling better.

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