Thank for your reply, at this moment I'm not sure when I'll be able to afford medication and the problem is that I can't take pain medication, over the counter meds affect my stomach even with anti-acid medication which I already take and prescription pain meds only dulls the pain and at the same time trading body pains for migraines and sleeping meds have the same effect, it's like waking up hangover from a party I never attended,(if I drank a bottle of tequila I would feel the same but at least I would have some fun before paying for it) the worse part is that this has been my luck with other meds, either I have a bad reaction or the benefits are short lived and side-effects long lasting, but as you mention is that my mind can't shut down along with the usual aches and pains, for the moment all I can do is manage with low sugar, low sodium, and paleo diet which I think it does help, it's not a solution, I'm just trying to minimize the damage and I'm not depressed but it is frustrating, for the time being doing what I can with what I got.