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Do You Have Bad Dreams On Psoriatic Arthritis Medications?

I can't blame my PsA medications on my bad dreams. I take too many of them. Yes, I do have bad dreams, but can't narrow it down to what medication is causing this.

Do you have any bad dreams from your medication? We would like to hear from you.

Here is an article that is very interesting on the subject.

Diane (Team Member)

  1. I can say my dreams have been influenced by the medicine I take. However, I can say I took one medicine that caused me to have hallucinations. It was kind of funny at first until it wasn't. I woke my husband screaming for him to move because I thought someone was in our bedroom. It was the scariest thing ever. Turned out the medicine I was put on for restless leg syndrome is notorious for causing hallucinations. I never want to experience anything like that again. Vickie W., Team Member

    1. Yes, I have had those bad dreams too. It's not a great feeling. I saw an 8-foot man walking in my home. Now, talk about crazy. Thanks for sharing that experience with us. Diane (Team Member)

  2. Can't say for sure about your specific medications, but there are many medications that do cause sleep disturbances, disturbing dreams, and outright "nightmares". Beta blockers, some anti-depressants, antihistamines, medications prescribed for sleep (especially Ambien), and even some anti-biotics.

    1. I have had some, but some very strange ones while being awake. (I think) I remember having a turtle on my finger and the crazy thing wouldn't let go as hard as I tried. Thanks for the great information. Diane (Team Member)

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