Hi . I do not have experience with Cymbalta, but I do have family members who have been on antidepressants (Zoloft) and recently came off them after several years of use. All three said they were surprised to suddenly "feel" again. Zoloft alleviated their depression/anxiety, but they didn't realize until they came off it that it had also restricted their range of emotions (highs and lows). I wonder if that might be what you are experiencing with Cymbalta. If so, maybe it is more pronounced since you are not experiencing depression/anxiety. You might have to weigh that effect against the relief it brings for nerve pain and decide whether it's worth taking. Cymbalta does mess with serotonin levels, so it can impact sleep. Have you been taking it long? Most people adjust to the sleep-related side effects of antidepressants after a few weeks. I hope you hear back from others who have taken Cymbalta and that you get some helpful information. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)