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Can it be PsA without pain?

Hello, thanks for reading/replying. I'm a 51-yo woman, and have had (skin) psoriasis all of my life. In recent years, I've started having trouble standing up from sitting. I feel like the Tin Man without oil - but it doesn't hurt. I just have to slowly straighten up and take those first couple steps, then I am okay. More recently, I can't walk up/down even two steps without gripping a rail. My legs just don't work - I lose balance.

I saw a rheumatologist last year, and he was confident that it was not arthritis/PsA because I experienced no pain. He said I just have Stiff Hips. I do often experience significant pain in my lower back. I think I should get a second opinion. Have you experienced anything like this?

Also, I have several autoimmune conditions, worth mentioning?

  1. Hello , I'm so sorry to hear that you're experiencing this. While we are not doctors, and can not speak to what you're experiencing specifically, it definitely seems like it could be worth a second opinion. And yes, I would absolutely mention every and all autoimmune conditions (or any other health issues).

    Did the rheumatologist you saw order any testing? Either blood tests or imaging? Or was he basing everything solely off of the symptoms you were describing? I'm sharing an article here with some information on how PsA is typically diagnosed,, which does include symptoms described to a doctor, but not necessarily only this.

    Also, I will admit, in my limited experience I haven't heard of someone not experiencing any pain with PsA, but that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't possible. As you can see from this article,, joint stiffness can be a big part of PsA.

    In the meantime, I hope some of our community members with personal experience can share with you here. And please don't hesitate to reach out here anytime, and keep us posted. Sending you gentle hugs. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    1. , Thank you so much for sharing. I can relate well to feeling stiff and like the Tin Man without oil. That comparison gave me such a giggle. Were you offered a solution for the stiff hips?
      - Clair ( Team Member)

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