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Is it normal to get bruises around and over psoriasis areas? I am getting a lot all over me.

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  1. not sure if it is normal but i also tend to bruise rather easily/often and without obvious cause. Sometimes also it feels like i strained a particular area (mostly somewhere in my arms) then later the bruise appears (so not just when i hit something accidentally).
    Curious to hear from others…

    1. Hi . People with PsA do tend to be more prone to bruising. Here is an article from one of our advocates about it: Even so, I would ask your doctor about it. You never know if it might be symptomatic of an entirely different condition. Warmest of wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

      1. many thanks, I will check with my GP if I can get an appointment, they are always fully booked nowadays 😀

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