So here's something I've been pondering that I don't have the scientific or medical background to answer. All of us with PsA know that it can be debilitating at worst and a huge life hassle at best. But are there ANY benefits to it? Does having an overactive immune system help you to fight off infections or even things like cancer?
I ask this because I was talking to my rheumatologist a couple of months ago and noted on my blood work that I still had mono antibodies in my system. I had mono when I was 19 and I'm 51 now. She said that was a sign that I had a really strong immune system. Too strong ... which is the problem we all have.
But I didn't know if there was any evidence at all of people who have PsA having fewer instances of other diseases or conditions due to having such a ramped up immune system.
Just something I was curious about. I guess I'm always on the lookout for silver linings.