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Afflicted: It Cost Me My Marriage

Hello Fellow Inmates,

I am new to the group and recently diagnosed. Although, I have been suffering for years.

After a long and frustrating journey, including the maze of a dozen or more doctors and equal number of diagnosis, I find myself here.

The problem is/was the limited skin involvement and negative ANA tests. My main symptoms have been: enthesitis (inflammation of tendons at the attachment to bone) with radiating pain into the muscle, digestive disorders, puffy fingers and toes etc. This array led me down so many blind paths it was mind-bendingly frustrating....

Anyway, to my question or point.

My wife left me because, through all of this, I apparently was not paying enough attention to her romantic and emotional needs. However, I felt I was and thought I made extraordinary efforts in that direction. I also suffer from that psychological issue of debilitating fear of letting others down.

BTW: This is/was a 30 year marriage.

Am I out of my mind, being hurt by this?

Should I fight for her, or let her go and and tough this out solo?

  1. Hi @Al A. Loner. Wow you have really been through a lot. I am so sorry to hear about your marriage. When I was newly diagnosed I told my husband I would let him out of the marriage. In my case he didn't leave. I don't think you are out of your mind at all being hurt by her leaving. Only you know whether you should fight for her. I would just say that 30 years is a long time to just give up. Do you know about the National Psoriasis Foundation? They have a program called One to One that you might be interested in. You will be connected to someone who can help answer questions and provide support to you. Sending gentle hugs your way. Vickie W., Team Member

    1. I am so glad I could make you feel better @Al A. Loner. You can find the One to One program at Sadly, unless someone else has PsA as well it is hard for them to understand what you are going through. We all understand it here. My own journey with PsA started 7 years ago or at least that is when I was properly diagnosed. Like most, I believe it started many years before that. My husband tries hard to understand but he doesn't have it so he cannot fully comprehend what I am going through. That is why this community is so important. We are here to lift each other up. Vickie W., Team Member

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