I experienced a new symptom this morning - out of the blue while washing up, my LHS index finger when into a spasm of sharp pain and a spontaneous bruise appeared across the uppermost joint (palm side). The pain continued for a few minutes and then calmed down but the bruise is still there 4 hours later and the finger is stiffer than usual.
I googled and found it is most like a rare syndrome called Achenbach Syndrome - no treatment, benign, but likely to recur possibly a few times a year. Seams to be related to other conditions like migraines which I also suffer. I found no mention of PsA but Rheumatoid Arthr is listed (I don't have that).
Interested to know if anyone else has suffered a similar condition? Anything I can do to avoid or treat... hoping it is not a sign that it could happen to multiple of my fingers (or toes) next time....
There are other possibilities in terms of the symptoms/condition, so I will raise it with my GP or Spec at next apptmt or go see them if it worsens or re-occurs in the meantime.Submit your own question!