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Tried that, didn't work....what now?

I have had PsA for 14 years. I also have Osteoarthritis, AS and Fibromyalgia. I have problems with every joint except my left shoulder although I don't know what will be effected that day until I get up in the morning. I have tried DMARDS and anti-inflammatory meds but as I also have a heart problem that causes palpitations I don't tolerate any of them. I don't have psoriasis and so I don't qualify for biologics and my spine hasn't fused and so I don't qualify for biologics. I take a variety of vitamins and supplements and strong pain killers.
I'm on my third rheumatologist and have been to many many doctors and a couple of cardiologists. I ask "there has to be something else I can do to stop the pain and stiffness?" But the response is "take a couple of Panadol and a warm bath". Not much help.
Any one got any ideas? Please...I'm at a loss and have run out of ideas.

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