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Pain and Neuroplasticity

I recently stumbled upon some literature about neuroplasticity (the brain's ability to change structurally and functionally based on personal experience and use) and chronic pain. It sounds like there have been a few studies which suggest that the brain learns to be in pain - and once pain sets in it's almost like the brain overreacts. I found this really interesting video -

I'm thinking about looking into this for my own pain management!

  1. Rebecca, this is so interesting!! I knew that the brain could change and create new pathways, for example when someone has had a stroke, but I had never thought much about it beyond that. Definitely something to look into further... I like the idea that smelling peppermint oil can help, that seems simple enough to do!

    1. I believe this to be true. There was something on tv where a young lady was having brain surgery (she had to be awake), while she was wide awake. They went to a part of the brain where it accepted music and she was singing while she was in surgery. Amazing!!!

      Thank you,


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