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My primary started me on 15mg Meloxicam yesterday. My pain/inflammation is a little bit better today, but I have some side effects. I'm looking at all the potential dangerous side effects, and I'm thinking I'll just go back to Advil and an anti-inflammatory diet. Anyone else used Meloxicam successfully?

  1. Hi jeejee, I did a basic search on our website and found only two other mentions of Meloxicam. Have you discussed your side effects with your doctor? I noticed you mentioned your Primary Care Physician prescribed this. Are you also seeing a Rheumatologist specifically for your PsA?
    Wishing you a gentle day.
    Martha Team

    1. I have been taking it for about 2 weeks. I haven’t had any side effects though. Are you taking it with food? That might help if your side effects are stomach upset.

      Also, it can take a couple of weeks for you to see the full effects of it.

      I would ask your doc before switching back to Advil. If the meloxicam isn’t working out for you, your doc might want you to try another prescription.

      I will say that mine came from the mail order pharmacy with two pages of warnings that basically said “You will die if you take this!” OK, that’s a bit of an exaggeration but it did seem a little over the top. I’m still alive though. 😀

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