Facing It!

I have been diagnosed with psoriasis for nearly 30 years and psoriatic arthritis for the last 10 or so. The latter, of course, was difficult to diagnose and took many years and tests for all other kinds of autoimmune disorders. So my journey has had ups and downs. Outbreaks have been nearly nonexistent for the past eight years, but recently scalp psoriasis resurfaced along with patches behind my ears.

PsA and facial psoriasis

Today was my semi-annual visit with the dermatologist and I was diagnosed today with face psoriasis! I forgot the medical term that means that it runs across my eyebrows including between my brows. It's red and crusty but hardly visible (unless you know what it is). So let's hope this is the only response to the stress and worry. I am attributing worry about the pandemic to the brow breakout. Has anyone heard of psoriasis on the face?

Flares and vertigo

As for PsA, I am in a pretty significant flare of inflammation and joint pain. I am pushing through and trying to walk every day. I use a cane for walking as I have vertigo during this flare as my inner ears are involved causing dizziness. I still feel blessed that I can push through and am able to do the things I want to do for the most part. Be well and keep the faith.

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