On the road to a diagnosis

I am a 27 year old female living in South Africa, I found this website after searching for a support group or forum.

My first flare up started on the 16th of August 2023 around 2pm. I was at work and my elbows started hurting. I thought that I was just imagining it and I kept working. An hour later and my knees joined in. By the time I drove home I had joint pain in every joint in my hands, my elbows, and my knees. Over the next two days my shoulders joined in.

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Eventually I could take it no longer and went to my GP. She straight up told me that she didn't know what was going on, but that she would refer me to a rheumatologist and give me something for the pain. By the time I got home, the pain medication had worn off and I was in pain again. My first flare-up lasted three weeks. I don't remember much of what happened during that time, I spent most of my days sleeping, and playing catch-up with my work.

Eventually I got an appointment at a rheumatologist, and I started treatment. Mostly anti-inflammatory drugs and later salazopyrin. After 9 months at this particular rheumatologist, I managed to switch to a new one who put me on methotrexate. Luckily I have very few side effects on it, but even with taking the Salazopyrin and Methotraxate I still have flares almost every two months and I am struggling!

Yesterday I had my checkup with the doctor, and I am now going onto the full dose of Methotraxate to see if that can provide any relief.

I am tired and I am in pain.

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