Recently Diagnosed


I was diagnosed two weeks ago and I'm still in some shock.

Family history

Even though both my mother and sister have PsA, I had previously been told that my arthritis wasn't the same as theirs. However, the disease has now progressed and it is clear that it is the same. Interestingly, none of us have any external skin issues (my mum has had PsA for 30 years, my sister for 15) but all of us have arthritis.


Although I am somewhat worried by the recommended course of treatment (methotrexate), I have an advantage in that my mother who has totally refused all treatment has shockingly damaged hands and feet and can hardly walk due to foot and knee problems. My sister, on the other hand, who has been consistent with steroid injections and methotrexate has so far minimal damage to her joints.

I've had steroid injections in my fingers and shoulder which have hugely helped, and the specialist has given me all the relevant information and I will contact them when I'm ready to start the methotrexate (I'm in Finland).
I'm so pleased that there is a place to be in contact with other people going through the same experience.

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