
*SIGH* Where to start?! I have had issues with chronic pain for years and toenails falling off leaving bloody nail beds. And as with most of us, 100 different doctors with 100 different diagnosis, and still left with pain and indescribable fatigue! Forward years ahead to correct diagnosis, Psoriatic Arthritis...ELATION, VINDICATION, MENTAL RELIEF of sorts!!!
However, now comes the treatment horror story! Was put on Methotrexate injections and Humira. All was well for approximately 4 months, still on opiates as well. I woke up one morning with a small bump on my bottom jaw/cheek area. Within 2hrs it was taking over my face! Went to a world renown hospital ER. The rushed me back, ENT, infectious disease specialists and from what I remember many other top specialists were there as well! Not only was my cheek/jaw blowing up, now my throat is closing so rapidly, they couldn't intubate me! Next thing I remember is waking up in ICU, from a 5 day induced coma. Turns out my immune system bottomed out and a small cavity in a tooth had caused Ludwigs Angina! I was told, had I waited 15 more minutes I'd be dead. I had the tooth removed, was intubated, and had 3 tubes hanging from under my jaw/neck area.
My point and alert is, PLEASE if you're on 1 or more immunosuppressants, be aware that your immune system can bottom out at anytime...and something as innocuous as a small cavity can be deadly! Please Google Ludwigs Angina and be educated on issues caused by our medications! I swore off all the big boy meds and now am just using Sulfasalazine, plus pain meds. I realize this is a cautionary tale and don't want to freak everyone out, just be aware! God Bless and SHINE ON!!

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