"In moderate PsA flare. Contemplating Simponi Aria. Thoughts?"
, my cousin has ankylosing spondyloarthritis. He's been on Simponi. I think it worked well for him for a time.
I'll be starting Simponi infusions mid month. Won't lie, I'm a little scared. Over the years I have been on Humira, Orencia, a very brief stint of Stelara. I'm now on Cimzia and have been for a few years but its simply not effective anymore. Starting new drugs can be like a leap of faith.
If you do or have started on Simponi, know I am wishing you well!
, I hope the first infusion of Simponi was un eventful! That it will help will be even better.
New medications always scare me. I'm going to try very hard to be brave about this one 😀
@Mary Lynn : Update. The Simponi seems to be working. I have very little pain ( which can be osteoarthritis) and all my plaques are gone. I hope you have had relief as well.
, this is very encouraging so thank you for the update! I had my 2nd loading dose a week ago. While my psoriasis was limited to my scalp and under control (I have an overlap of RA/PsA), my enthesitis pain and joint pain has been pretty intense while I wait on the Simponi Aria to work. My next infusion is in November. So maybe next month I will have some relief.
You have given me hope today. I am so very glad to hear that you are seeing the benefits!