Getting Back to My Sense of Well-Being

I keep saying that each year cannot get worse than the year before. Well, last year definitely proved me wrong on that saying. It was by far one of the most horrible years I have had in my lifetime.

So far, this year hasn’t faired much better. The funny thing is I didn’t even say that it couldn’t be worse because I didn’t see much promise in it in the first place.

If you have been following my articles, you know I have been dealing with some pretty heavy stuff. I try to stay upbeat and try to encourage others, but let’s be truthful. Sometimes you have to encourage yourself.

Living with psoriatic arthritis is so hard. When you have outside factors contributing to the struggles of psoriatic arthritis, it makes it so much more difficult.

Struggles and chronic illness

First and foremost, I would say my biggest struggle is me. After dealing with a major loss in my life, there has been nothing but turmoil.

I had turmoil within myself because that person was a major support system for me, and then turmoil from family members who had nothing but their own best interests in mind. I try to encourage everyone. This not only includes family, but it also includes those that I know are struggling within the psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis communities.

While most days that is not a problem, not every day can be rainbows and unicorns, especially when you live with a chronic disease. Honestly, there have been those I should have walked away from, but I have not.

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Coping and supporting others

Because I have not cut those that do not have my best interest at heart, it has been detrimental to my own health. I have stressed about things outside of my control.

Before last year, I tried hard to live my life in a way that limited stress because I knew that if I didn’t, I would pay the price for it.

I got away from that, and true to form, I am paying the price for it. My psoriatic arthritis is flaring.

I am sitting here in so much pain right now. It is my penalty for forgetting that stress is my biggest trigger, and I am better when I limit myself from those stressors within my control.

Prioritizing health

It is not selfish if we do what we must do to live the best life. For me, that means making the hard choice to cut those out of my life who I know are not there for me.

That may sound harsh, but what is not harsh is the pain that is there because I allowed them to create strife. I cannot continue to be in the kind of pain I am experiencing right now.

I made the choice once before to put my health first time to go back there. It has even got me thinking that maybe I need to speak to professionals so that I shed some of the baggage that has come along with it all.

We all need to do what it is that brings our life some peace so that on the hard days of living with psoriatic arthritis, we have the strength to keep moving forward.

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