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Winter & Psoriatic Disease

Someone out there please try to figure this out for me. I deal with a pretty hard case of psoriasis & psoriatic arthritis. The dry air is here. It literally hurts my skin, it burns, it is the worst and I just can't this year. I'm a covid long hauler and struggling with that already but I just can't add the dryness to it this year. I'm exhausted, every inch of me is in pain. I can't have those wax style tubs in the movie "Wanted" although if yall know a guy that knows a guy So I have a good sized humidifier and a little one by the bed too. Hubby says the thermostat says the humidity level inside is fine even a tiny bit over so there's nothing he can do bc if I add more moisture it can ruin the house. I know I know I've heard it a million times but I'm still gonna go up in a cloud of dust if nothing else can be done. It's so dry!! I can't breathe it's so dry. Dry air leads to bloody noses which I never get until yep you guessed it Winter! My lips are dry and I try to moisten them and instantly dry again. I have all the lotions & oils and hydration things, I have all the usual things. I need someone to come up with some crazy out of the box Matrix genius sort of solution. Ok I'm now realizing the hubby gets to pick the movie wayyy more than me! Lol Anyone else deal with this not the movie thing the dry thing now come on keep up πŸ˜‹. Any carpenter's out there know about the levels in the house thing? Anyone, someone, got any ideas? Ask around to your family and friends you never know what profession could help. I'm all ears and I'm gonna bet I'm not the only one. Well I wrote a novel by now so I'll shhh for now. Thanks even just for reading xoxo.

A bit of dry humor by MaesyMae πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Whattt too soon?? Nahhh 😏

Question to ponder...What group of people would love to go on a trip to the rain forest? πŸ˜‰ One can dream. πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

  1. How miserable, ! Wouldn't it be nice to have a rain forest house where the humidity is always perfect? I don't have psoriasis or PsA, but I have discoid eczema, which is exasperated by dryness. I never found it effective to control the environment. It can be very difficult to get enough moisture in indoor air to make much of a difference without ruining everything in the house. Instead, I use Cerave cream all over each morning after I shower, as recommended by my dermatologist. Creams lock in moisture whereas lotions soak in, offering only temporary relief. I rarely have flares when I use cream regularly. I use saline spray morning and night for my sinuses and sometimes during the day. I also drink fluids that contain electrolytes and use a nightstand humidifier. I hope others who actually have psoriasis can offer more input. My heart goes out to you. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I agree with comments and I get that perhaps you have already tried these things. I hear what your husband says about the humidity in the house - when my boys were little and suffered croup, I use to run a humidifier overnight to help them sleep (that was the current advice) and a dehumidifier during the day to try to avoid their rooms becoming mouldy. We eventually got reverse cycle airconditioning for the dehumidifying part. I also use nasal saline spray in dry weather or when I spend a lot of time in airconditioning/heating and whenever flying (Sydney is generally fairly humid) and I use QV cream on my body after showering.

      Perhaps a dermatologist could prescribe a special preparation that you get made up by a compounding chemist - for example for some of my psoriasis I use a coal-tar preparation that can't be bought ready made.

      Best wishes for some relief soon.

      1. Dear MaesyMae, I use Cetaphil moisturizing Cream for very dry sensitive skin in a 16oz. jar. It is the best heavy, healing cream I've ever found. I put it on everyday in the dry winter. It not only moisturizes, but it quickly heals chapped skin and cracks in skin. You can get it at CVS for about 17 dollars.

        1. Hi @cynthiahunter. Thank you for responding. How many times a day do you use the Cetaphil? Vickie W., Team Member

      2. I use it several times a day on the bad areas and once a day every where else. I even use it on my face. It is terrific. Its creamy and thick and dries without being greasy.

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