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What is your diabetes journey in relation to your psoriatic arthritis?

The one thing I have noticed is that my medications are causing one or both to worsen at times. My care team changes my medication often to try and keep things in order for me.

Do you have problems in trying to balance your medication so they aren't fighting against each other? We would like to hear from you. Diane (Team Member)

  1. Yes for sure: anytime I take prednisone for really bad flares, my blood sugar sky rockets.

    1. Hello , thanks for the input. I think the medical community experiments on us. Some of my medications that cross paths with each other tend to make me get infections. So my doctor has to figure out which one I stay on or which one I get off of. How long have you had PsA? We would like to hear more about your journey. Diane (Team Member)

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