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What "weird" PsA symptoms have you experienced?

Have you ever experienced what you thought was a "weird" symptom and wondered if others with PsA have experienced it too?

Share your "weird" symptom here and see if others can relate.
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  1. Yes! My big toe on my right side went numb for about a month. I woke up one morning with the pain that comes with numbness. The feeling is back, although it still feels funny. Also sometimes my fingers feel hot and cold, and kinda burn like I just held ice. , thanks for this question.

    1. That sounds kind of scary. Glad to know the feel is back. Did you discuss this with your doctor @ddavis? Vickie W., Team Member

  2. No! I forgot! I get nervous when I'm at the doctor, and feel like all I do is complain. But I know I need to get over that.

    1. , I jot down symptoms in my planner, and I keep an ongoing list in my Notes on my phone. Last visit, I was determined to switch medicines, and I forgot to say anything.

    2. Ugh. That must be frustrating, . I hope you remember next time around. - Lori (Team Member)

  3. I get watery sticky eyes in the morning. It can't be hay fever as I'm on antihistamine. Also, occasionally my left thigh goes numb - can't feel a thing. Weird

    1. my eyes do this too! It is very frustrating

    2. my eyes do this and my eye doctor put me on Systane complet. It helps. Also, my left butt cheek is numb!! So weird!

  4. I get watery sticky eyes in the morning. It can't be hay fever as I'm on antihistamine. Also, occasionally my left thigh goes numb - can't feel a thing. Weird

    1. hi! Yes!! My left thigh goes numb if I stand to long. Had shots in my SI joints because I have more bulging discs. The shots help temporarily.

    2. you could have epescleritis. Immflamation in part of the linings in your eye. It can be painful also. See your eye doctor

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