Hi All!! I'm Jamie, I'm 43 from Pennsylvania. I was diagnosed 3 years ago and am on Humira and Methotrexate for my PSA. Since going on your medication regime, has anyone had trouble losing weight? I've talked to my Rheumatologist and he said there is no such thing and sent me to my PCP. My PCP ran bloodwork. Everything looked fine, cholesterol was great, A1C, thyroid, everything so he basically dismissed me. I went to see his PA who listened but sent me to a Nutritionist. I've tried so many things, cutting the starches with dinner, salads everyday for lunch, cutting my snacks out, cutting my coffee back, drinking more water and switching to 1 zero sugar soda a day and all that keeps happening is I'm gaining weight every week. The Nutritionist feels that it's my inflammation and my meds that are causing me to not lose weight because prior to this, I could drop 25 lbs in 2 months no issues, no questions asked, now I gain every week. I have gained 25 lbs in a year, I'm now 250 lbs. I brought this info along with my own research back to my rheumatologist who told me "I've been doing this for 15 yrs and have never heard that" and dismissed me. I have never been a fan of medication for weight loss but I found some in my research that is prescribed to people with inflammatory diseases. I have spoken to all 3 Dr's about it and all have said you don't need that and have dismissed me. I'm constantly in pain, exhausted and can't lose weight and don't know what to do anymore. My doctors are not helping, I'm getting depressed from everything. Is anyone having the same issue?