After discussions with medical professionals I have decided to quit some prescribed pain relief. Please note, this was not undertaken lightly, full research was completed before I did this.
As my PsA took a significant amount of time to diagnose and treat - other complications and issues led to long term prescription of pain relief, specifically codeine.
I don’t mind admitting that because of the length of time I have been taking this drug that I was addicted, and given the (not best approach) of total cold Turkey I spent some time feeling pretty damn terrible. Stomach pains, joint, muscle and back pain and hideous brain fog. But - and it’s a huge but, I feel better off it than on. When taking it I woke daily and did my ‘pain inventory’ which was usually pretty horrendous, my morning ritual was codeine, pregabalin and time. Having come off codeine I do think my morning pain is lower - and this is due to (again my opinion) going through a mini withdrawal every night - waking to a smaller version of that horrible withdrawal I suffered when I dropped it. Now, it’s not all roses, I now don’t have a pain med to ‘reach for’ when it gets bad. I have to ride it out, take extra pregabalin, or try stuff like paracetamol which I haven’t taken for years.
Now, why am I doing this? Because I believe the chronic pain was not being reduced or affected suitably by this strong medication AND the side effects (stomach/absorption/constipation) were worse than the benefits offered.
I’m not far along this journey - it’s a huge personal step to stop taking pain relief, and it’s scary as all hell. But for the first time in a year, I slept past 7am. That is huge.
Feel free to ask anything you like. Also please remember I’m not advocating this, our shared disease is very personal to each of us. I’ll share more as I continue this road, the next meeting with the rehab physio is in a month.
Stay positive all x