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Travel to Spain while on Remicade

Within the next two years I’m hoping to walk part of the Camino de Santiago in northern Spain. The walk itself will be a challenge, but the bigger challenge may be getting my Remicade infusion while there. We will be there more than 8 weeks, so timing travel between infusions won’t work. Has anyone traveled internationally while on infused medication?

  1. Hi . What a fantastic adventure! I am so excited for you. I have not dealt with infusions while overseas, but I hope you get some input from the community. You might want to contact the U.S. Embassy there for more information. They might be able to help. I hope you will post with some photos after your trip. Best wishes! - Lori (Team Member)

    1. Hi ! Thanks for your question. This seems like such an exciting challenge. I wanted to let you know that we shared your question with our followers on FB. One person mentioned consulting with your doctor, if you haven't already: Other folks wished you all the best on your adventure. Warmly, Minel (Team Member)

      1. I would speak with your insurance and your rheumatologist. I went to Spain for a month this summer, (injectable medications) and was very pleased with the available healthcare.

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