Hi all. Ive had posterior tibial tendonisis since April 2020. I’m glad I found this site as I don’t have many people to talk to about this. So thank you in advance. I have had 2 MRI scans. Both the MRI’s show a thickening, swelling and inflammation of the tibialis posterior tendon at its insertion in the navicular bone. There is also gross oedema of the medial aspect of the navicular bone indicating enthesopathy. The orthopaedic surgeon thinks it’s psa and I do have mild psoriasis. The rheumatologist is unsure as its hard to say and says after 3 comes come back to him.
He says if it is he can only put it down to Psa and may start me on methotrexate in a few months. I have had 2 steroid shots in the foot- one didn’t work and one was 2 days ago.. still too early to tell but there’s still a twinge when I walk.
Has anyone experienced tendon inflammation? Ive started taking curcumin and pure tumeric in hot drinks. Can you suggest anything else that helped inflammation. I’d love to hear from anyone especially if they have had tendon issues! I used to run. I have walked or run long distances since April 2020 it’s really affected my life.Thank you