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My doctor just prescribed Sotyktu. After almost 30 years, I have tried everything out there. I have only found a handful of reviews and some reviews mention very scary side effects. Anyone have experience with this drug?

  1. Hi , welcome to the community and thank you for reaching out here. I hope you'll get some responses from the community.

    I don't have personal experience with Sotyktu, but I wanted to share the following conversation about this treatment from our community: I hope this is helpful!

    It sounds like you've been through such a lot with your psoriatic disease and the medications over the years. Truly hoping that Sotyktu will bring you the relief you deserve. Did your doctor say how long it might take for you to notice some improvements in your symptoms? Please keep us updated on how you're doing if you can. Wishing you the very best! -Catherine, Community Moderator

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