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Which size of Tremfya syringe do you use?

My first 2 injections were with a syringe with a needle about 1.5 inches. My next 2 injections were with a syringe of .50 needle. Has any one else experienced this??

  1. I don't take Tremfya, but the size needle I have is 8mm needle. I have had the same size the whole time. But.............I had to take more medication at one point when I gain weight and my syringe with the needle change.

    Thank you,


    1. Adrianne, did you ever get this figured out?

      Tremfya is dosed as a sub-q (subcutaneous) injection, meaning below skin layers. That would mean a shorter length needle (0.5"😉. A longer needles (1-1.5"😉 is used for IM injections, meaning intramuscular (medication injected into the muscle).

      Hope this helps!

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