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PsA without psoriasis...

For years I suffered with this crazy pain... misdiagnosed several times by various doctors.... ended up just dealing with it on my own until i had the worst flare up I have ever experienced. I couldn't walk, all I wanted to do was sleep, I couldn't eat and the only thing I could do was cry. Long story short, I contacted a Rheumatologist that I had previously seen - ended up seeing his associate as he was nearing retirement - but this doctor is awesome! Anyways, he spent a lot of time with me (and my husband) going over everything and promised me that within a week he would have some type of answer for me. And once we had an answer we could work on a solution. Well, he had an answer and although I do not have, nor have I ever had, psoriasis, i do have PsA. Once he came up with a care plan (I use Humira) I have been able to live agAin.

Anyways , I do have flare ups and all that but I'm concerned with the affect this is possibly having on eyes. I can't seem to find anything that describes the affects on the eyes other than a statement saying that it can occur. For about 5 or 6 years now, my eyes are constantly red and burning and itchy. On any given day, by the time evening rolls around I feel like I am trying to look through cotton balls... everything gets kind of blurry. Is this normal?? Is this something that will progress into other issues?? I'm open to suggestions !

Thanks so much!

  1. Hi, I'm new to the site and just now exploring it. I know PsA can cause eye infections, dry eyes and vision loss. I have a great eye doctor and he researched this a lot for me after I developed a cyst in my eye. Yes I said a cyst. It was very small, and went away on its own. I would go to an eye specialist, maybe they could get you a good eyedrop script. I hear good things about that new one eye love.

    1. Stephanie, this is great information and advice, thanks so much for sharing 😀 I am so pleased to read that your eye cyst went away by itself, that must have been so uncomfortable!

      CindyMG, as Stephanie says it's a really good idea to see an eye specialist if you are able to. I have blurred vision and have been told that my vision is fine (even though I can't see properly, ha!) and that it's my psoriasis that is the cause. I have been given some eye drops and they do help to a degree, but the issue is always there. We have a couple of articles on the eye issues linked to PsA which you may find interesting:

      I hope these are helpful!

      Best wishes to you both 😀
      - CathyD

      1. I've never had psoriasis either. I was diagnosed 3 or 4 yrs ago and have been on methotrexate from the beginning and on Enbrel a little over a year. I don't have a whole lot of pain; I do have chronic fatigue, though and I find that if I don't give in and sleep, all I want to do is eat....Not good, I know, and I'm obese.

        I also have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. When I try to walk or ride my AirDyne bike I hurt for days with the fibro and the exhaustion becomes worse.

        At times I get sore, acne like sores, just in and around my ears. They burst and yellowish ooze comes out and then blood. Some last for weeks at a time.
        Just recently I'm experiencing a very sore tongue and it is so irritated that it bleeds. I am being treated for dry mouth. Anybody have anything like this going on?

        1. Oh my goodness, Tinker! It sounds like you have a lot going on! I'm so sorry to hear that you've been struggling with all of this. Hopefully, others in the community can chime in regarding the dry mouth, however, in the meantime, I wanted to address your struggles with fatigue. So many of our community members share that they too struggle with chronic fatigue. It's been such a large amount, that we've dedicated several articles to it, and have had many great community contributors write about their frustrations and tips. You can find some of these articles here:

          I know this may seem overwhelming, but I just wanted to send these resources your way! No pressure on reading them! However, if you do get a chance to look at any of them, let us know what you think! Sending positive thoughts your way! -Casey, Team

      2. Hello all,
        So i have PsA w/o the psoriasis.......but I do have CHRONIC URTICARIA.....or chronic hives. It is an absolute nightmare. I scratch and itch constantly. My derm did 2 biopsies on my arm for testing and the scars look like i was attacked by some strange kind of vampire. Lol. I cant be in the sun for too long (plus the meds say not to) but i cant be in the cold for too long either. Living just outside of Pittsburgh does not help....but where could I go???

        It took almost 2 years with allergy testing, biopsies, lesion removals & massive amounts of antihistamines just to get a diagnosis. One of the meds dermatologists recommend to treat chronic urticaria is a medicine that has been used to treat leprosy....LEPROSY???? i thought that went away when the plague died down!?!?!?!

        At the same time i was going through this, i was also seeing a rheumetologist. So trying to get the derm to communicate with the rheumy was a battle in itself. Luckily, i didnt have to use that dreaded leprosy medicine....rheumy just increases sulfasalazine to max dose and IT WORKS. I still get hives everyday, randomly, but it beats being covered in them!

        Im just wondering if anyone else is like me, PsA without the psoriasis, but suffering from some other skin condition?

        Thanks for reading & stay strong!!!

        1. Jdubb187, I am forever trying to convince my husband to let us move to the Caribbean, lol. I'm in Canada so the cold weather here doesn't help me either! I have psoriasis but I also get itchy hives. I can keep them away by following a gluten-free diet. Our bodies are so strange :S I'm glad to hear you are getting some relief, and I hope you can get to the bottom of the hives!
          Keep us posted for sure 😀
          -Victoria, Community Moderator

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