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Pets and Dog Dander allergy

Hello, I haven’t been in contact for a while. I would like to know people’s opinions on how pet allergies affect psoriasis and PsA sufferers. After having our dog for just over 4 years I decided to have an allergy test and it came back positive for Dog Dander that was in 2021. I developed Uveitis in October 2019 and the Eye Doctor told me that the pet allergy could be responsible. My inverse psoriasis and scalp psoriasis have not settled down I usually get a flare but after some time it will settle down but it’s been over two years now and both inverse and scalp P are worse than ever. The Dog Dander is always in the house and I know that the autoimmune response is not letting up its attacking what it thinks as an invader. My wife will not entertain finding the dog a new home and I am at the end of my tether. Any thoughts and advice would be appreciated thank you.
At first the Dog a little Schnauzer seemed to help with my stress but it wasn’t long before I was having problems with my eyes and then a while later I had nose drip always having tissues on hand and when the Uveitis struck I was wondering what could be the cause. Our dog does not lose any hair a supposedly allergy friendly breed. I’ve never had pets and had Psoriasis for 42 years now and PsA for 40 years I not practically live in the cellar because of the Dog Dander, has anyone else had this problem.

  1. Hello thank you for adding it to the forum its important that people realize that autoimmune diseases like Psoriasis and PsA can react quite aggressively to Pet allergies causing flares that might never go away until the problem is removed

    1. Yeah, I found a long time ago that any and all allergies can set off a flare. I'm fortunate in that I don't experience many, and certainly not from pet dander.

      1. Thanks for the reply I found to begin with that our dog helped with the stress but I new that something wasn't right and when the test came back positive for dog dander things went from bad to worse.

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