Hello I can certainly relate to the situation that you find yourself in. Finding pain management, managing a lifestyle that makes it 10X more difficult to maintain a “diet,” and figuring out how to actually get to sleep in a world that makes everything a giant hurdle is no easy task.
I’ve made some significant “lifestyle” changes over the years that have made a difference in my ability to manage my pain and life with PsA. I can certainly understand your feeling of frustration after your long-awaited appointment with your pain management doctor. No one wants to go to a doctor, expecting answers, pain relief, and understanding only to be told to change your diet. Ugh! That being said, in my experience, changes to my diet have made an impact, but those changes don’t happen overnight, and they certainly don’t happen in a sweeping notion like “stop eating carbs.” And thinking that a statement like that can help someone in our situation is absurd.
There are certain foods that are scientifically proven to cause inflammation, thus fueling our PsA fires, but it isn’t all carbs. Rather, things like gluten, nightshade vegetables, and some types of dairy. (Potatoes are gluten free 😀 )And those changes can’t be made overnight. I have spent years (yes, years!) figuring out what contributes to my pain and my inflammation. I’ve slowly made changes to my diet (and yes, my family’s diet too) that make living with PsA a little easier and helps me feel better. My daughter (7) has PsA too and even she is learning the relationship between what she eats and how she feels. Think of it like a puzzle and there are many parts that all work together to create a larger picture, and what we eat is just one piece of the puzzle. What we eat, how we move our body, the quality of rest we get, the medications we take, they all work together to form the bigger picture. Without each piece, the puzzle would be incomplete.
I know it isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. I also have 3 kids, and my husband would be totally content to have pizza and Chinese Buffett for every meal as well. It isn’t easy that’s for sure. We all need a little help to get going and figuring out how to manage our pain and our sleep is the first step. Do you plan to go back to the pain management doctor? Are you also seeing a rheumy? HOw are you doing? -Leanne, Community Moderator