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Has anyone been told they have Psoriatic Arthritis and then told they don’t?

A new rheumatologist told me that he does not think I have psoriatic arthritis. He thinks I have osteoarthritis. I also have psoriasis (inverse). He said that I don't have an elevated sed rate. Through the visit as we progressed with the questions he now says it's questionable.

Does anyone have any thoughts or similar experiences?

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  1. I was told I have Psoriatic Arthritis by my PC & Dermatologist, however the Rheumatologist, said I have Fibromyalgia, not PsA. He only did a Poke Test on the Tender points, no blood work and didn't look at my swollen joints or listen to me about the pain I experience in my joints. Since than I am not sure what to do because my PC wants to take each seperate issue and go from there. Everything is a result of my Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis.

    1. Thank You that makes me feel better and I KNOW that I have it, I am going to live like I have it and take care of myself like I have it. That way I'm covered! Take Care and stay safe.

  2. I was told I had Psoriatic Arthritis in 2007 and have been through a whole range of treatments from methotrexate to leflunomide, various biologics over the last 10 years none of them worked particularly well. Now my consultant is telling me he thinks I have osteoarthritis as well as psoriatic arthritis ‘probably’.

    1. Probably, I like that answer and my Doctor said well they treat them all the same anyways, Rheumatoid, Psoriatic, Osteo. etc.

  3. I had a thyroidectomy in 2016 for (cancer) and severe joint and tendon pains shortly followed the surgery and the only thing 2 Rheumatologist, GP and a orthopedic doctor and a podiatrist could say about my extreme joint and tendon pains was you have OSTEOARTHRITIS even though I had Psoriasis for 45 years Im 50 and the pains developed 2 weeks after losing thyroid “weird”.

    I spent almost 2 years dragging myself around in severe pain only to go out for my daily 10 mile walk and collapse 5 miles into the walk unable to walk ... it took me over 2 hours to get home I could not pick up my feet or bend my knees... Went to JHU and finally got PSA diagnosis sadly it hasn’t fixed me but at least I don’t feel nuts.

    Don’t take NO for an answer if you have Psoriasis you certainly are at risk for PSA.... Osteoarthritis is the throw away diagnosis in my opinion!

    1. I agree with you on the do not take no as an answer. Osteoarthritis is definitely a throw away diagnosis. That is their go-to response by far. Vickie W., Community Moderator

    2. Yes Thank You, I am now going to be seen by a Neurologist to rule out MS. That is due to the muscle and tendon pains plus a bunch of other "weird" symptoms. I also use that word. lol

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