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Why do I feel my heart beating while taking methotrexate?

Hello guys!

I'm a 21-year-old girl and I just got diagnosed with PsA last month. I'm still a little bit afraid of the drugs I'm using now, especially methotrexate.

I want to ask a question. Since I started using methotrexate injections, during night time, around 8 pm I start to feel my heart beating, not fast but I can feel it beating which is very uncomfortable, I want to know if it is normal?

Thank you so much for whoever reads and willing to help <3

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  1. Hello @Nhlk98, thanks for your question. While I hope others will chime in with their personal experiences, I wanted to share with you a forum from our community about methotrexate You are not alone! We are here for you. Please keep us posted on how you are feeling.
    Jill, Community Moderator

    1. Hi ! I took my methotrexate on Saturday evening and didn't notice this sensation (although we are all different!). I take mine a couple of hours before I go to sleep so it's possible I wouldn't notice it even if it did happen... Are you getting this every night or just on the days that you take the methotrexate? Did you get a chance to ask your doctor about it? -Catherine, Community Moderator

      1. Hello~ thank you so much for replying ! Now I'm feeling much better than before, I used to feel my heart beat whenever I finished eating, I used to like feel it like so loud I could count my heart beats, but now I don't feel it as often is before. I'm still using methotrexate and the only side effect that I have now is feeling super tired the next day.
        Thank you so much again for the reply

        1. Hello ~
          So when I first started using methotrexate I was fasting when I break my fast and eat I would later feel my heartbeat, but now after Ramadan I don't feel it as often as I used to, I'm feeling and adapting much better to methotrexate. The only side effect that I have is feeling super tired the next day, It's so bad I only stay in my bed the entire day.
          Thank you so much for replying I'm so happy that I found this platform and I don't feel lonely anymore.Thank you

          1. , it's really good to hear that things have settled down for you now. Unfortunately some people do feel quite tired the day after they take methotrexate. I have a very restful day after I take it too - it makes me feel quite groggy! I do hope that it brings you some relief; will you keep us updated? Also, I wanted to wish you a belated happy Eid! -Catherine, Community Moderator

          2. That's so sweet of you ! Thank you so much <3

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