Hello 😀 Experiencing pain in areas that aren't "typical" for those of us with PsA, especially in the hands, can be tough. I had similar pains when I was originally diagnosed. It felt like everything inside my hand was throbbing. What I've learned about it is that PsA can attack not only joints, but ligaments and tendons. The main tendons in your hand run along the underside of the palm and attach at the base of your fingers. The pain that you are experiencing might be due to the inflammation of those tendons and ligament in your hand. But please keep in mind that I'm not a doctor. It is a good idea to mention it to your rheumy, they might want to have an ultrasound done to check for inflammation in that area.
Oddly enough, the best I've found to help is gently rubbing the traditional arthritis cream liberally along the palms of your hands. It never really worked very well for my joints, but weirdly it did give me some limited relief from the muscle, tendon, and ligament aches.
I hope you are able to get some relief soon! -Leanne, Community Moderator