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Having Covid with PsA

Have any of you had Covid and if so how did you cope with the pain?

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  1. Hello @SonjaP are you struggling with Covid now? I've actually had it twice so far and yes, the added pain and fatigue is terrible. The best advice I would have is to be kind to yourself. Don't rush yourself to get better and "back to life." I'm sure others will chime in soon and hopefully have some better advice. I hope you are managing as best as can be expected so far and you get some relief soon! -Leanne (Team Member)

    1. Hi Leanne, yes I tested positive 2 days ago and I am in isolation at work right now. I work in northern BC in a camp setting. I’m resting as much as possible but the pain is sometimes unbearable :/ thank you for your advise. I am learning to be kind to myself

      1. It must be even more difficult to deal with this when you are not at home, . Have you reach out to your doctor to see whether anything might help? Doctors are gaining more and more experience with Covid now. It's possible that your rheumatologist might have some ideas. I hope the pain is short-lived and that you recover quickly. Sending lots of positive thoughts and healing vibes your way. - Lori (Team Member)

    2. I haven’t reached out no but that’s a good idea. Thank you so much Lori!

      1. I hope your doctor is able to help, . Warmly, Lori (Team Member)

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