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First joint symptom

I've had psoriasis for 3 years and had my first joint symptom. Overnight without any injury, my left knee was suddenly stiff and very swollen above. I also developed a hard nodule behind the knee, which the doctor called a bakers cyst. An xray showed no bone damage and bloods showed no anti-ssp. I'm waiting to see a rheumatologist.

I'm just wondering if anyone could explain what the symptoms feel like, in detail. It is truly like nothing I have felt before. The swelling changes throughout the day. My knee cannot bend because it feels like it will explode. My quad, hamstring and calf muscle start feeling tight and numb but then later feel loose. Holding an ice pack on my knee made it more stiff. Light movement makes my knee feel less stiff. Does this sound like arthritis?

  1. welcome to our community. We are glad you are here. From someone that suffers with knee arthritis my symptoms are a lot of what you are describing. I am glad you are going to see a Rheumatologist. They can provide you with better explanation as to what is happening. I hope you don't have to wait too long for the appointment. Vickie W., Team Member

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