Hello I suffer quite a bit, especially with anxiety. I was prescribed 40 mg Prozac that seemed to help but not quite enough. I added CBD oil (vape and drops) and noticed a major change in my anxiety levels. I was able to drop down to 20 mg and am considering going off it.
Sometimes it feels like every little thing could set me off. Here is an article that may help you understand the relationship a little better, https://psoriatic-arthritis.com/psa-symptoms/mood-changes/
On good days, I've even added light yoga to help me manage stress, anxiety, and depression. I feel it has made a difference as well.
Overall, I think the most important thing to remember is to pay careful attention to what your body and mind is telling you. If you are taking medications and you don't feel they are working, talk with your doctor. He/She may also suggest talk therapy to help manage the totally understandable feelings that come when you live with psoriatic arthrits.
Come back often for support and understanding, or just to vent. We are here for you! -Leanne, PsA.com Team)