Hi all! Been lurking on this site for a while but just made the jump to full membership today. I've been on Enbrel for three weeks and in the last week and a half or so I've had some really unpleasant symptoms -- frequent headaches, extreme fatigue, and nausea, mainly. I can barely get out of bed and haven't really gotten any work done (which is problematic as I'm a mother and small business owner). I can hardly eat anything. I've googled it and looked at the enbrel website and it's hard to tell how common these are, although headaches and nausea are listed as possible side effects and fatigue could obviously just be my PsA, but I'm definitely feeling more sick than usual. Most of the time I'm able to work unless I've had a big event or had to travel, which I haven't, and right now I can barely respond to email.
The other possibility is that I might be pregnant. My husband and I have been trying for about six months, but I haven't gotten a period on my own since my daughter was born two and a half years ago. I was hoping reducing my inflammation would help with this. Obviously, with no period, it's very difficult to tell when I might have ovulated and therefore when I could take a test. The ones I've taken have been negative but could easily have been too early.
So my question is this: Has anyone else had these symptoms when starting enbrel? Did they resolve on their own as you became accustomed to the medication or did you have to switch? Greatly appreciate any advice or ideas!