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Have you tried any complementary or alternative type therapies to help manage your symptoms?
If so, which ones?
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astrid Member
Last Updated:
I get massages every other week. I find that it really helps and the relief actually lasts for a few days. I was thinking about acupuncture but I don't know much about it or how it works?
CathyD Member
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Hi Astrid! We have some information on acupuncture within this article: I am super curious about this too. I have a friend with Lupus who goes regularly and she says it makes a big difference to her energy levels and how much pain she is in!
jrw Member
Last Updated:
Has anyone tried hemp oil orally and or topically. My PAST has destroyed many finger joints, and metatarsals are changing. I have swollen and red constant flare ups. My wrists are swollen
I have taken one dose of methotrexate and folic acid. Really don't want to take this poison. I have acupuncture 2 x a week, reduces swelling a bit. I exercise alot and walk my dog daily.
CathyD Member
Last Updated:
- Catherine, Community Moderator
redsfan Member
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I tried CBD oil last year. It was a low or non thc kind. It was pretty expensive. I gave it three months and the cost didn't outweigh the results. I gave up on it. Now I'm smoking marijuana before I go to bed. Not a whole joint just a hit or two using a device called a Silver Stick. This gives me relief before sleep followed by a great night's sleep. Not using any other time than before bed. I'm seeing some pretty good results. Didn't use tonight because my daughter has been not feeling well and don't want to be maybe out of it if she has a problem in the night. I already can tell that I've missed a dose though and pain is increased.
Sean Member
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As someone who just started Humira I can say that it's the only thing that's truly worked to take away my pain.
That said, before starting Humira, the one thing that seemed to make a difference was my diet. Avoiding alcohol, sugar and processed flour would help with my pain levels. Not eating as much helped, too. I noticed the emptier my stomach was, the lower my pain level was, which makes me think there's some kind of gut/PsA link.
mr-benn Member
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Have been reduced to week, feeble human by Oesteoarthritis (1976), Fibromyalgia (1991), Borderline Personality Disorder (1993 dx), Short term memory loss (2002 noticed), Psioratic Arthritis (2012), Food intolerances 99.9% (2013), Severe psychotic events x2 (201😎.
Have had to stop eating, Grain (all), Dairy (all), Nuts (all), Herbs (most), Adulterated Meats (All), Unadulterated Meats (Some), Fruit (most) & Vegetables (most). Have not tried insects.
Pain constant between 4/10 and 9/10. For which going to hospital was a complete waste of time. NHS (UK) is totally incompetent in this area! They rather lock you up in a Psych ward (Section 😎, because you can't have so much internal pain??? Duh!
What's helped? Eating the most basic of foods to not make internal organs swell.
For pain : Methotrexate was advised but, I cancelled it as what's the point of taking a drug that is likely to kill you. Replacing one problem with another is not advised or even sensible unless the condition is has a final cure. In this case and with Humira it is not. The pain does not outway the cost!
If this was a perfect world which it isn't we could all get medication for free and there would be no party that gets nothing. So, in my case I'd rather see Cancer patients get the money for their medicine whilst I suffer in pain for them to be able to get a chance of a cure. Logic prevails.
mr-benn Member
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I should have said I've tried, Chinese medicine, Acupuncture, Various alternative where I've been connected up to devices that scan and repair your body, health remedies that are supposed to fix "leaky bowel syndrome". Herbs, spices, drinks, Vitamin supplement remedies, you name it, I've likely tried it. Wife being the wage earner here (to my regret) has spent over £27000 by 2016 to try and fix my problems. Suffice to say we are just above the poor line. I don't let her spend a single penny on me anymore as I think her pension is the investment now. I have none.
I have been a total burden to her since 2002 when we got married. My working life deteriorated since then, finally stopped in 2009 after complete exhaustion. I do nothing much except trawl through the internet for solutions. I know a lot, but people thing I'm crazy (including my Doctor*) because of all the research on my health problems.
* I do not go running to my Doctor explaining this and that on the internet. I'm always willing to listen to theories. Doctors don't, their too busy!