It can change over time, but I'm curious to know: what are your most common psoriatic arthritis symptoms? What symptoms do you struggle with the most daily? How do you deal with them?
carolinagirl Member
My daily challenges are fatigue and enthesitis. Some days the fatigue is enough to keep me at home in my pjs all day. Most days it is more manageable, as long as I'm realistic with my expectations and budget my energy accordingly. The enthesitis is tough to deal with, as I can't take anti-inflammatories. Gentle movement such as swimming, is helpful, as long as I'm cautious not to overdo. Monthly myofascial release massage also helps my tendons. It keeps my muscles from getting so locked up, making movement less painful for my tendons. As far as medications: Orencia and sulfasalazine help some, but not as much as I'd like. I also take low dose naltrexone at night, and it helps a lot! I sleep better most nights, and my pain is less overall. Before taking the LDN, I would have said that Complex Regional Pain Syndrome was a huge daily struggle for me. The LDN has pretty much eliminated the CRPS!
julieboice Member
ClairG Moderator & Contributor
- Clair ( Team Member)
carolinagirl Member
Abigail Covert Moderator
That's amazing,
Tlsmith0308 Member
My main symptoms are pain in my fingers and toes and not just the joint. They soft tissue aches. I also have chronic throbbing pain in my lower and hips.
julieboice Member
ClairG Moderator & Contributor
- Clair ( Team Member)
Tlsmith0308 Member
CathyD Moderator