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Body temperature

I've just been diagnosed with PsA. One thing I've noticed is that I can either be really hot or freezing cold on warn or cold days. Is this a condition of PsA?

  1. I meant warm, sorry.

    1. Hi @Waynep, I am so glad you are reaching out to our community with your questions. Yes, many of our community members will say they are a human barometer 😀. I am sending you an article from one of our advocates, I hope this helps you. Jill, Team Member

      1. Hi ,
        Thank you for the info.

        1. , thank you for your question! In addition to what Jill had mentioned, I just wanted to share with you that there's been a lot of discussion about your question on our Facebook page. It seems a lot of others in the community can relate with what you've been experiencing. If you're interested in checking out some of these comments, here's the link: Best, Minel (Team Member)

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