Deciding on a PsA Treatment

So my rheumatologist knows how much I don't want to be put on a biologic because of the high risk of having another abdominal surgery. I've already experienced complications in the past several years, twice nearly dying from sepsis.

PsA treatment so far

We've used prednisone on many occasions, but after beginning another course of them yesterday in preparation for a 4-day event this weekend (which otherwise I just could not attend due to the whole-body-every-joint pain and overwhelming fatigue), I woke up today feeling dizzy. I've been feeling so terrible that I've been weighing the choice for my next rheumatology visit on August 1...

PsA treatment decisions

Do I go on a biologic and play Russian roulette with the what-ifs or just keep using steroids? Anyone else out there had to make this decision?

Thoughts, please.

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