I'm too old for this!

I am almost 69 years old and never experienced psoriasis prior to Christmas 2018. I do, however, have a family history of the condition as both my father and my adult daughter have had psoriasis for many years. However, neither ever experienced psoriatic arthritis.

From what I have read, arthritis usually begins between 30-50 and I am 69! I had no symptoms until a few weeks ago and my condition came on very fast. Finding a rheumatologist was my first hurdle. Fortunately, my family doctor was able to find one who would see me and she is great. I am on methotrexate and a steroid and I mostly just feel lousy. My husband is a great support and he tells me I will feel better soon! My arthritis is centered in my fingers and one wrist. I can no longer wear my wedding ring, which breaks my heart! Adjusting to this condition is so hard for me. My skin is covered with lesions and my hands fail me with great frequency. I know that there is no "cure" but I need some relief. The only pain killer that I use is extra strength Tylenol.

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