Surviving a Simple Infection

I understand the origin of interesting pain and fatigue descriptions like, "I feel like I've been hit by a freight train" or "...stomped by an angry pack of mules."

To prevent serious, potentially life-threatening illness, from a simple infection, I had to temporarily stop taking two of my weekly meds that treat psoriatic arthritis. While taking my meds as routinely as ordinarily prescribed, many days are filled with tiredness, achiness, and various types of pain, but days like today are extraordinarily difficult.

With more than 10 hours home alone and the luxury of being able to pace myself and rest often, just folding a load of laundry --you know, the dreaded weekly load with all the miscellaneous stuff like socks and panties-- and prepping tonight's dinner (chicken fricassee btw) feels like I running a challenging marathon.

I feel my body was used by a giant to beat away a pack of hungry wolves. Every fiber in my body is crawling with deep aches from each bruising blow. Every joint is snippy with sharp pains radiating through me as though from the gnawing and gnashing teeth of the frenzied wolves. All I can do is be still and think and feel. Here I am -- alone with a pile of undies to fold and socks to match while dinner waits to be cooked.

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