
I had horrible psoriasis growing up all over my body...constantly receiving treatment for my skin. As a young adult, I would have an outbreak only at times of extreme stress - good or bad (I had an outbreak after getting engaged while preparing for my wedding).

Joint pain and fatigue

In 2011, I starting having pain in my joints, my spinal column, and a whole menagerie of other symptoms such as extreme fatigue and feeling at times like I had the worst flu in the world. As a nurse, you’d think I’d have made a fire path to the doctor, but as we tend to think the worst I kept downplaying it to myself as just getting older and putting on some weight.

Diagnosed and feeling relieved

Finally, the symptoms got to be so severe I became convinced I had cancer or something along those lines and finally faced my fear and sought help. The diagnosis, while not the best news, was actually a relief because I had really come to the point I was terminal. I was feeling so bad.

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