PsA, Psoriasis and Chronic Hives

Hi, I’m 31 from Scotland.

It started with psoriasis

I’ve had psoriasis since I was 11 and PsA for around 4 years now. I’ve been on every damn drug available over the years and finally got one that works for me in humira a few years ago. My psoriasis started off pretty mild but didn’t take long until it was everywhere which is a hell of an embarrassment when you're a teen and your bleeding and scabbing everywhere 🙈.

Developing psoriatic arthritis symptoms

Anyway, I was placed on topical steroids and told to keep taking them until we found a good drug that worked. I was on the steroids for years!! My skin is now extremely thin. My nails started to pit and then holes started rotting in them and with my job being a fisherman they used to catch on the creels and get ripped off. I actually had to tape them down 😂🙈.

Surgeries and treatment

The PsA came on extremely suddenly. My hands started swelling and every time I went to sleep I’d wake up 5 minutes later with this horrible burning numbness all over my hands which after a few months of being untreated, I needed 3 surgeries to fix the damage. That was when I started humira, which has been brilliant bar the occasional infection.

Chronic hives and PsA

Few years back I started getting these horrible rashes that would come all over my body and eventually got diagnosed with chronic hives which is actually why I’m writing this.

Has anyone else had chronic hives and PsA? I never actually thought you could get any itchier than psoriasis but by Christ hives is much worse (except not having to hoover after 😂).

Anyone got any advice to stop the itching? Currently on 2 antihistamines which helps for a while. New to this so hope to hear from some people and hope I can give some advice from my experiences.

Take care x

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