Psoriasis for close to 40 years
My psoriasis began in my early 20’s. It was severe from the start. I had multiple treatments including topical steroids, PUVA, injections, antibiotics, methotrexate. I fought it every minute of every day, slept with gloves or plastic wrap on my outbreaks. It was worse on the palms and fingers of my hands although I’ve had it in just about every place at one time or another. Over the last decade or so, I’ve had bouts of IBS and joint pain & tendonitis. Only in the last few years did I realize this is all associated when diagnosed 4 years ago with PsA. I started on Otezla which made me throw up daily and cause depression. It cleared my psoriasis for a couple of months but stopped working and the psoriasis came right back. I was then put in Humira with wild success! No plaques no pain!! That lasted about 2 years. It was a hard stop and the pain was back worse than ever and started having flares in both wrists, neck and left knee. Got so bad I couldn’t go to work or walk much. Since that time I’ve been in Cimzia with no effect what so ever and now I am currently on Orencia since February. No effect so far so will try it for another month then I will change to another biologic. It’s been tough but I am going to fight this tooth and nail. Never ever give up!!
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