I Feel Like a PsA Fraud

Around 18 months ago, I was diagnosed with PsA. For 3.5 years before that, I had pain in the middle, right-hand side of my back and couldn't sleep through the night. It was only after going back to the doctor where she tracked back through my history to see how long I'd experienced these symptoms. I also have the HLA-B27 gene. An X-ray showed no changes and an MRI of the area showed nothing substantial. My inflammation levels have always been slightly high and have never returned to normal. I am on methotrexate and have started Arava recently. I take Celebrex daily.

I am still uncomfortable in the morning and never seem to get a great night's sleep. Part of me was very relieved when I got a diagnosis - knowing it wasn't all in my head. The other part of me feels like a fraud... My sleep can be broken and uncomfortable, with more discomfort in the early hours of the morning. I'm stiff when I first get moving in the morning or after sitting for a while. I do get sore ankles/heels from time-to-time, or a sore joint in different fingers and sometimes a sore lower back (not sure if this is part of it) but apart from that I don't suffer majorly (or what I would call majorly). I don't suffer from psoriasis. I do get a recurrent itch under my breasts which has been put down as a fungal infection. This has been happening for a couple of years, but always seems to come back after treatment. I am always tired and can regularly feel nauseous.

I have worked full-time for the last couple of years, 4 days-a-week this year, am a Mum to 4 children and have a busy husband who does not understand my diagnosis. Is it normal to feel like this?

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