20 years old, 3rd Shot of Humira

Hello all,

I'm not sure how many of you read my last post about a week after my first shot, so give that a read if not. Anyways, I had my 3rd shot last night which was super easy and painless. A little tired this morning but that could just be because I am actually active again. I climbed for the second time yesterday at a gym and its amazing I actually feel like I was before all of the arthritis hit. I am basically 90% healed, in just three weeks. I am hoping it stays this way because I feel absolutely amazing, and am experiencing no side effects from Humira. I will check back in around 2-3 more weeks to let y'all know if anything has changed, but for now my advice is: Regardless of what you have heard/read on the internet, do a favor for your body and get on the medicine if you really need it; no one should have to feel enormous pain in their joints or be discouraged because of that. Happy Wednesday!

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